How to get Citrine in Warframe

The way to unlock Waframe's Cintrine is crystal clear.

by Drew Kopp
Image: Digital Extremes

Warframe‘s Citrine’s Last Wish expansion is finally out, and at its center is the long-running free-to-play shooter’s fifty-second playable character. With a sleek design and support-based skill set that makes her a welcome addition to any squad, Citrine is a fashionable and formidable addition to the Warframe roster. Fortunately, Warframe players can unlock Citrine and her associated weapons and accessories by following one of two available methods.

How to Unlock Citrine in Warframe

To even begin unlocking Citrine, players must play through the single-player Heart of Deimos mission, which can be found in Necralisk’s new Cambion Drift landscape. Upon finishing Heart of Deimos, players will unlock Mirror Defense, a variant of Warframe’s Defense missions located in Tyana Pass that revolves around defending Rania and Belric, a pair of star-crossed lovers trapped within crystalline prisons.

Upon completing Mirror Defense and collecting 50 Citrine’s Remnants, a drop that looks like a crystalline tear, players have a slim chance of receiving Cintra’s Blueprints, Citrine’s Chasis, Citrine’s Neuroptics, and Citrine’s Systems as quest rewards. Unfortunately, players will still have to gather the resources needed to build each piece of Citrine.

Alternatively, players who don’t want to put up the hassle of repeatedly playing Heart of Deimos until they randomly acquire all of Citrine’s pieces can opt to buy her Blueprints and Components from Otak directly with Rania and Belric Crystal Fragments. This new form of currency can be acquired by completing the Heart of Deimos mission and acquiring 50 Citrine’s Remnants, with the total number of Crystal Fragments needed to buy all of Cintrine’s pieces adding up to 1,550 Rania Crystals and 1,500 Belric Crystals.

Like many other Warframes, Cintine’s pieces can also be purchased with Platinum, which can be bought through the in-game Market with real-world money.

Warframe is free to play on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

- This article was updated on February 22nd, 2023

About The Author

Drew Kopp has been a writer at Attack of the Fanboy for three months and has covered Sons of the Forest, Pokemon, and developments in the entertainment industry. He has a Bachelor's in Creative Writing and loves writing about indie games and celebrity gossip. When he isn't writing, he can be found reading fantasy books or rocking out as Bard in Dungeons & Dragons.