How To Make Paper in Minecraft

Find out how to make Paper in Minecraft quickly and easily!

by Shaun Cichacki

One of the most useful things players can make when they are making their journey into the world of Minecraft is paperPaper can be used for plenty of different things, including books and the ever-important map

But, what will players need to do in order to start creating some much-needed slips of paper within this world? Let us get our hands on a crafting table and get to work, and start making some excellent items to use in this magical world! Here’s what players will need to do in order to start creating paper in Minecraft!

How To Create Paper In Minecraft

For players jumping into their new world, there are a few things that they will need to find before they are able to start creating plenty of unique items within these lands. The first things that players will need to get their hands on are as follows:

  • Crafting Table
  • x3 Sugar Cane

Players will be able to locate Sugar Cane near bodies of water, giving players ample opportunity to get their hands on plenty of this particular item. After players have harvested at least three pieces of Sugar Cane, they’ll need to place this particular item onto their Crafting Table in a straight line.

Once players have created Paper, they’ll just need to move it into their inventory, and viola! One of the easiest items to make, but also one of the most valuable pieces of equipment players bring along on their journey. While it may be a while before players can start creating things like the Nether Reactor, these building blocks can help put gamers in the right direction of how to start making their Minecraft world their own.

For players looking to get a bit more creative, find out the easiest way to start building horse stables within this world, or maybe find a new seed to explore and learn from. The possibilities of what can be done within the walls of Minecraft are limitless, and with this newfound information, the world is your oyster.

Minecraft is available now on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC, and Mobile Devices.

- This article was updated on December 28th, 2022

About The Author

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As a fan of RPGs, Action & Retro titles, Shaun has been gaming since he was a young boy. Alongside an affection towards Metal Gear Solid, you can find him jumping into anything new and exciting. As a newer writer, Shaun has been working in the Games field for just over 1 year in total and is continuing to learn and grow with experience.