How to Use Armor Trims in Minecraft

Ready to slay, both on and off the battlefield? Find out how to apply Armor Trims in Minecraft!

by Shaun Cichacki

There has never been a better time to be a Minecraft fan than now, especially with the sheer number of new additions coming to the game. No matter if you’re new at the game, or obsessed enough that you need to play at school or work, Minecraft has something to offer everyone. Now, with the option to add in new Armor Trims to customize your armor to your liking, that customization has grown even further.

But, how do players go about obtaining these new materials, and how are they able to use them? Let’s get to our Smithing Tables and start working on some new decorative pieces for our favorite suits of armor before getting back into the world once more.

How To Add Armor Trim in Minecraft

Players that are hoping to reach unparalleled levels of customization and drip in their Minecraft world will need to set out on the adventure of a lifetime to start obtaining new materials and templates that will give players the chance to add one of 11 new designs to their armor. Players can find these templates in the world and seem to spawn at random intervals and places.

Thankfully, once these materials and items have been located, adding them to your armor is just as easy as carving a pumpkin, since all gamers need to do is add the required ingredients to their Smithing Table, alongside the Template that they have found and can get to work. Using dyes and ingots will allow for colors to shine bright on your new suit of armor, so be sure to track down plenty on your adventures.

Why Can’t I Access Armor Trims?

Currently, Armor Trims are only available to those playing on Minecraft Java with the latest Minecraft Snapshot, version 1.2.0. Those that are hoping to try this out will need to download the latest snapshot from the official Minecraft Website and install it to their particular version of the game.

As Java seems to be the more experimental side of things, Bedrock players will need to wait until this feature has officially been patched into the game, meaning that only PC players can currently access this particular feature. Just like Hardcore mode, players on Java have faster access to the newest features that the Minecraft developers are putting into play, so either give Java Minecraft a try, or subscribe to Xbox Game Pass to try both versions at your pleasure.

Minecraft is available now on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Mobile Devices, and PC.

- This article was updated on January 24th, 2023

About The Author

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As a fan of RPGs, Action & Retro titles, Shaun has been gaming since he was a young boy. Alongside an affection towards Metal Gear Solid, you can find him jumping into anything new and exciting. As a newer writer, Shaun has been working in the Games field for just over 1 year in total and is continuing to learn and grow with experience.