How to Reveal Care Packages as a Skirmisher in Apex Legends

Last to the loot is a rotten egg!

by Noah Nelson

One of the Week 1 Challenges in Apex Legends Revelery is revealing care packages as a Skirmisher in Battle Royale. After learning what a Skirmisher is by checking out our class description guide, you’ll know that the Skirmisher perk is to reveal the contents of care packages. Here’s how to do that in Apex Legends.

Apex Legends Skirmisher Abilities, Explained

Luckily, every Apex Legends player, even the new ones who have to complete orientation matches, has a Skirmisher legend available. The Skirmisher legends are Wraith, Pathfinder, Mirage, Octane, Horizon, and Valkyrie.

To reveal care packages as a Skirmisher in Apex Legends, you first need to play as a Skirmisher. If you only have the starting six legends unlocked, pick Wraith or Pathfinder, especially since Pathfinder has a new passive ability linked to his Skirmisher perk. If you want to unlock more legends, you can spend some money on an unlock bundle in the item shop.

Once you’ve started a Battle Royale match with a Skirmisher legend, all you need to do is make it far enough into the match to see a Care Package. Care Packages usually drop after at least the second ring closes.

To spot Care Packages easily, open your map to see where Care Packages will be landing. Run over to the place where the Care Package will land and look up at the Care Package as it drops.

You will reveal the contents of the Care Package just by looking at it. If you want to communicate what is inside the Care Package, ping what you reveal.

And that is how to use the Skirmisher’s perk which is revealing care packages in Apex Legends. Hopefully, this guide was helpful and you can use this knowledge to your advantage.

Apex Legends is available on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

- This article was updated on February 14th, 2023

About The Author

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From his early days of blog-style music, movie, and game reviews to working as the Esports Writer at Coastline Community College, Noah Nelson now works fulltime as a Staff Writer for Attack of the Fanboy and PC Invasion. He has been helping gamers everywhere with Destiny 2 god rolls, Warzone 2 DMZ missions, and collectibles in any indie game for over a year and a half. His Bachelor's Degree in English Rhetoric and Composition with a minor in Journalism from CSULB has shaped him to be a strong writer and editor. His fondest gaming memory is playing Sly Cooper 2 after begging his mom (for hours) to play it before his birthday and he still cries myself to sleep remembering the time he accidentally saved over his 99% completion save file in Kingdom Hearts 2.