Apex Legends Character Tier List (Season 16): The Best Legends, Ranked

Who are the best legends in the game?

by Noah Nelson , Gordon Bicker
An official screenshot depicting Apex Legends

Apex Legends players will always be trying to make sure that they are choosing the Legends which will let them have the most effectiveness on the field. Some may also be more focused on keeping up with various leaks that tend to circulate around the community but others will be wanting to make sure their skills are in tip-top shape. There are quite a number of Legends in the experience so it is no surprise that it can be difficult to make a character choice. This article will take you through all of the best characters to utilize in Apex Legends.

Character Tier List in Apex Legends Season 16

S Tier

  • Bloodhound
  • Gibraltar
  • Seer
  • Horizon

Starting off in S Tier are Bloodhound and Gibraltar. These two legends didn’t receive any buffs or nerfs for Season 15 and their abilities are must-haves for highly competitive play. They each offer so much to a team and individual play and none of the other legends have been able to dethrone them yet.

Seer and Horizon are also on the S Tier list for Apex Legend Season 15 because their abilities are so strong and powerful. Seer’s ability to gather information on enemies, stop healing and revives, and get free, silent scans because of his passive is extremely powerful. Horizon has the best mobility in the game right now and can almost always dominate a fight.

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A Tier

  • Caustic
  • Newcastle
  • Valkyrie
  • Octane
  • Ash
  • Catalyst
  • Wraith

In A Tier, regardless of nerfs, Caustic is a very useful legend and possibly the best defensive legend, besides Gibby, in the game. Newcastle is great for aggressive legends who want to support their team with useful defensive abilities. Next is Valkyrie for her exceptional jetpack passive that did get a nerf and her extremely useful ultimate that allows your full team to relocate.

Octane and Ash have been close runner-ups as they both have incredibly aggressive and successful kits. Catalyst is the new legend and her abilities are fun and unique, but not as strong as other defensive legends. While controversial, Wraith is in A Tier because she is slowly getting outshined and outmatched by newer legends.

B Tier

  • Pathfinder
  • Bangalore
  • Vantage
  • Rampart
  • Lifeline
  • Loba

In B Tier, Pathfinder is stuck where he is because of his passive that desperately needs a rework as well as other more functional mobility legends outperforming him. Bangalore is next because her ultimate isn’t easily avoided in the big new maps. While Vantage is a lot of fun to play, her sniper ultimate and passive aren’t that powerful but her tactical is extremely useful.

Rampart is in the middle of the pack because her abilities are very strong but usually only good in and around buildings. Loba‘s abilities are very useful to new players and for hogging end-game ammo but her tactical and passive are just okay. And lastly, we have Lifeline who arguably needs the most work out of everybody on the list. That being said, she is still useful.

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C Tier

  • Fuse
  • Wattson
  • Mad Maggie
  • Crypto

In the C Tier, we have legends that are still good but are outperformed and have some awkward abilities. Fuse is great to farm free damage against defensive legends like Newcastle and Rampart, but his ultimate is very situational and clunky.

Wattson has some incredible abilities but takes a bit too much time to set up defenses in this fast-paced game. And Mad Maggie, although still fun, has a clunky ultimate and okay abilities. Crypto is last because, while he did receive a small, must-needed buff, his abilities separate him from the team, and will most likely end up losing himself and his team the match.

D Tier

  • Mirage
  • Revenant

Lastly, in D Tier, we have Revenant and Mirage. Revenant is a scary legend to go up against, but he takes too much team coordination to be good. Plus, he attracts third parties. Mirage is the worst legend on the list simply because his abilities are easy to spot, but he remains one of the best healers in the game.

Why Picking a High-Ranking Tier Legend May Be Important

If you are someone who is trying to get the most eliminations in a match and want to rise to the top as an MVP then choosing a Legend/character who is known to be one of the most effective can be extremely useful in that regard. However, just because a character is in a lower tier does not mean their abilities are worthless, in the right hands any Legend could be an unstoppable force of power.

Legends such as Seer and Bloodhound will absolutely still be worth checking out however due to their high effectiveness on the battlefield. With that said, characters like Valkyrie shouldn’t be underestimated in any way.

Overall, at the end of the day, it is still you who the enemies will be fearing if going up against someone who has been eliminating other players left, right, and center. If proximity voice chat was ever added to the game, hearing the enemy’s reaction to you using some of the most powerful Legends when you eliminate them could certainly be interesting.

Apex Legends is available now on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

- This article was updated on February 16th, 2023

About The Author

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From his early days of blog-style music, movie, and game reviews to working as the Esports Writer at Coastline Community College, Noah Nelson now works fulltime as a Staff Writer for Attack of the Fanboy and PC Invasion. He has been helping gamers everywhere with Destiny 2 god rolls, Warzone 2 DMZ missions, and collectibles in any indie game for over a year and a half. His Bachelor's Degree in English Rhetoric and Composition with a minor in Journalism from CSULB has shaped him to be a strong writer and editor. His fondest gaming memory is playing Sly Cooper 2 after begging his mom (for hours) to play it before his birthday and he still cries myself to sleep remembering the time he accidentally saved over his 99% completion save file in Kingdom Hearts 2.