Modern Warfare – How to Get Velikan

Obtain the coolest member of Shadow Company.

by Diego Perez
Modern Warfare Warzone Velikan Operator

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Season 5 has added a brand-new faction to the game, the Shadow Company. Currently, Shadow Company has three Operators: Roze, Lerch, and Velikan. Lerch is obtained by purchasing the Season 5 Battle Pass, and many players already have Roze, but how do you unlock Velikan in Modern Warfare? Velikan is in a similar situation as Operators from previous seasons like Nikto and Iskra, which means he’s acquired in a slightly different way than most major Operators. Thankfully, he’s a very easy Operator to unlock once you learn how to get him.

How to Get Velikan in Modern Warfare

To unlock Velikan in Modern Warfare, you have to purchase the Velikan Operator Bundle when it shows up in the in-game store. Here are the details and pricing of the Operator Bundle courtesy of COD Tracker. The bundle costs 2,400 COD Points, but it includes several items like weapon blueprints and vehicle skins.


The Velikan Operator Bundle includes the Megalith skin for Velikan, which will unlock the Operator for you to use in multiplayer and Warzone. You’ll also get the Trencher blueprint for the Bruen Mk9 and the Excavator blueprint for the Model 680, both of which feature dismemberment and have Shadow Tracers. Velikan’s Evil Intentions quip and Take a Bow finishing move are also included, as are a charm, spray, and calling card featuring the character. Finally, you’ll get the bright red Sullen vehicle skin and the Mars vehicle horn.

When Will Velikan Be Available?


Velikan is available now in Modern Warfare and Warzone. He wasn’t available at the beginning of the season, but he was released shortly after Season 5 launched, similar to other mid-season Operators from previous seasons. Nikto and Mace were released roughly two weeks after the launches of their respective seasons, but other Operators like Iskra and Talon took a little while longer to show up in the store. Now, even more Season 5 Operators are on the way, like Morte and possibly even Frank Woods from Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War.

- This article was updated on August 25th, 2020

About The Author

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Currently serving as an Associate Editor at Attack of the Fanboy, Diego Perez has been writing about video games since 2018, specializing in live service games like Destiny and Final Fantasy XIV. His work is featured at publications like Game Rant and The Outerhaven, but Attack of the Fanboy is home to his best work. When he's not editing or writing guides, he's yelling about Ape Escape or grinding Lost Sectors in Destiny. Plus, he has a Bachelor of Science in Telecommunication Media Studies for Texas A&M University.