How to Catch Hisuian Avalugg in Pokemon GO & Can It Be Shiny?

When will this Pokemon be ready to battle in Pokemon GO? Find out here!

by Shaun Cichacki

It seems another Pokemon from the Hisui region is making its way into Pokemon GO. Alongside the recently unveiled Winter Holiday Part 2 event that is soon to start, Hisuian Avalugg is making its debut in this popular mobile title.

However, for gamers eager to get their hands on one, what will they need to do to ensure that they can add this beast to their Pokedex? Grab a winter jacket, and let us head into the tundra to find out everything we need to know about this upcoming 3-Star Raid that is happening within the world of Pokemon GO!

When Does Hisuian Avalugg Come To Pokemon GO?

Players can begin to encounter Hisuian Avalugg starting on December 24 from 2:00pm until 5:00pm Local Time. Starting with their own Raid Day event, players will then begin to spot this particular Pokemon showing up in their local Gym Circuit more often after the event has concluded.

However, what makes this event special is the sheer number of these Hisuian Pokemon in the Circuit. Alongside some other great monsters to battle, players will see an enhanced spawn rate for this specific monster. But, can they be Shiny, or will hunters be wasting their time?

Can Hisuian Avalugg Be Shiny In Pokemon GO?

Trainers love the hunt for Shiny Pokemon. While they may offer no competitive advantages, the ability to find a favorite monster and add it to the team with a new coat or coloration is always exciting, especially when players don’t expect to see them.

Thankfully, for Trainers hoping to add this beast to their team, there is a high chance of spotting a Shiny Variant during this Raid Day event. Thanks to the sheer number of Hisuian Avalugg that will be appearing in the Raid Circuit, players will have a better chance than ever to get their hands on this special form.

Hisuian Avalugg Raid Day Bonuses

Players that are hoping for some freebies are in luck, as they’ll be able to earn up to five additional daily Raid Passes, allowing them to battle as many Hisuian Avalugg as possible during the 3-hour timespan.

Players will also have an increased chance of encountering Shiny Hisuian Avalugg, which is great news for gamers hoping to add this excellent Pokemon to their team. While it may be easy to utilize its Ice/Rock-type weaknesses, it offers plenty of power to back itself up in a battle.

Pokemon GO is available now on Mobile Devices.

- This article was updated on December 21st, 2022

About The Author

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As a fan of RPGs, Action & Retro titles, Shaun has been gaming since he was a young boy. Alongside an affection towards Metal Gear Solid, you can find him jumping into anything new and exciting. As a newer writer, Shaun has been working in the Games field for just over 1 year in total and is continuing to learn and grow with experience.