Pokemon GO: Swirlix Spotlight Hour – Shiny Chances, Bonuses & Perfect IV Stats

Ready for the next Spotlight Hour? Find out everything about it here!

by Shaun Cichacki

Pokemon GO fans always have something to look forward to, even with weekly events like the Spotlight Hour. Trainers have a new Pokemon to look forward to capturing, with this week featuring Swirlix. Alongside the enhanced Spawn Rate for this particular Pokemon, other bonuses give Trainers an extra boost.

Regarding Spotlight Hour, gamers get the chance to capture plenty of exciting Pokemon, and this week is no different. Alongside an excellent Fairy-type Pokemon, players get bonuses as well as the possibility of catching a new Shiny Pokemon. Let’s find out when this event starts, and if Swirlix is a good addition to the team, or if this event should be skipped.

Pokemon GO Swirlix Spotlight Hour: Schedule & Bonuses

If players are hoping to take advantage of this event in its entirety, Trainers will need to ensure that they’ve cleared some time off of their busy schedule from 6:00pm until 7:00pm Local Time on January 10. Alongside this event, players can also look forward to an excellent bonus to push their Pokemon adventure to the next level.

Players will need to gather up plenty of Stardust to trade, evolve, and power up their teammates. Players hoping to take advantage of these features, players will want to capture as many Pokemon as possible during this event to take advantage of the x2 Catch Stardust bonus.

Can Swirlix Be Shiny In Pokemon GO?

While plenty of Pokemon can be captured in Pokemon GO, there is a chance that players can find a rare Shiny Variant. While they offer no competitive advantage, Shiny Pokemon brings a new color scheme or pattern for fans’ favorite monsters. However, certain Pokemon do not have their Shiny Data in the game, and fans may be wondering if Swirlix is one of them.

Thankfully, for those hoping to capture a new Shiny Pokemon, they won’t need to fret during this event. Swirlix does have a Shiny Variant in the game, giving players the chance to add another rare Pokemon to their team.

Keep an eye on the start of an encounter, where a flash of lights and an icon next to the Pokemon’s name will signal if they are shiny, alongside a complete color swap for this particular Pokemon. While rare, the Enhanced Spawn Rate will help players in their quest for a new Shiny Pokemon.

Pokemon GO: Swirlix Perfect IVs

For Trainers hoping to add a powerful Fairy-type Pokemon to their team, Swirlix is honestly a great choice in the long run, especially if fans have enough candies to evolve their adorable new Pokemon into Slurpuff. However, even in its base form, Swirlix has more than enough to offer to keep competitive players on their toes and excited about the possibilities of what they can offer.

  • Max CP: 1,179
  • Max HP: 136
  • Attack: 109
  • Defense: 119
  • Stamina: 158

Alongside some great Stamina, a fair Attack stat, and good Defense, Swirlix can be quite a good force for players if they continue to train it well. Players will want to ensure that they’ve cleared plenty of Inventory Space in their bag to capture as many Swirlix as possible. Alongside the Twinkling Fantasy event that is going on, players will have plenty of chances for excellent new monsters on their team.

Pokemon GO is available now on Mobile Devices.

- This article was updated on January 9th, 2023

About The Author

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As a fan of RPGs, Action & Retro titles, Shaun has been gaming since he was a young boy. Alongside an affection towards Metal Gear Solid, you can find him jumping into anything new and exciting. As a newer writer, Shaun has been working in the Games field for just over 1 year in total and is continuing to learn and grow with experience.