Call of Duty WW2 Guide: How to Unlock All Epic Uniform and Weapon Collections

by AOTF Staff

In Call of Duty WW2 there are a number of Epic Weapon and Uniform Collections that you can earn from the Quartermaster by purchasing them with Armory Credits or by getting them in Supply Drops by luck.  Here at launch for Call of Duty WW2 there are 31 different Weapon and Uniform Collections that can be unlocked.  Each weapon or uniform is unlocked be completing a collection of items with each having various items to collect.

Epic Guns and Weapons


Not every weapon variation in Call of Duty multiplayer has an Epic version available to earn from the Quartermaster.  But there is quite a large selection with 23 in total to start.  If Epic Guns with modifications to them and cool names is your thing, you’re going to be doing some grinding as you’ll need to either earn a lot of credits or get really lucky with Supply Drops to round out just a single collection.  Ranging from Epic to Common, you’ll need to complete a collection of items to unlock each weapon in this list.  Below you’ll find the full list of Epic Weapon variations in Call of Duty WW2, their bonuses and what you need to do to unlock them.

Epic SVT-40 “Shack Man”

Bonuses:  Kills give a 10% soldier XP Bonus

The Old Guard – Epic Uniform
Charge! – Epic Calling Card
Full Moon – Legenadry Pistol
Semi-Automatic – Legendary Calling Card
Jumping Jacks – Rare Emote
Number 40 – Rare Calling Card
Dang Nabbit – Common Emote
Red Fox – Common Pistol

Epic Lee Enfield “Roundabout” 

Bonuses:  Kills give a 10% Soldier XP Bonus; Zombie Perk – One Shot One Kill

Calgary Highlanders – Epic Uniform
Ear to Ear – Legendary Emote
Headshot – Legendary Calling Card
Hot Shot – Rare Calling Card
Cheers Mate! – Common Emote
Tea Break – Common Pistol
For the Queen – Common Pistol

Epic FG 42 “Revised” 

Bonuses: Kills give a 10% Soldier XP Bonus

British ATS Officer – Legendary Uniform
Jerries! – Rare Emote
Aerial Advance – Rare Pistol
Fully Automatic – Rare Calling Card
Cheer Yeah! – Common Emote
Above the Clouds – Common Pistol
Fallen – Common Calling Card

Epic Grease Gun “Candy” 

Bonuses:  Kills give a 10% Soldier XP Bonus

Parachute Battalion – Epic Uniform
Test Fire – Legendary Calling Card
Facepalm – Rare Emote
We Can Do It – Rare Pistol
Good Job – Common Emote
Factory Girl – Common Pistol
The Greaser – Common Calling Card
Wreckage – Common Calling Card

Epic Waffe 28 “Trigger Happy”

Bonuses:  Kills give a 10% Soldier XP Bonus

Soviet Naval Infantry – Legendary Uniform
Hubba Hubba – Rare Emote
Strafing Run – Rare Pistol
Dive Bomb – Rare Pistol
Bupkis – Common Emote
Push Forward – Common Emote
Designed for Battle – Common Emote

Epic MG 15 “Shorty”

Bonuses:  Kills give a 10% Soldier XP Bonus; Zombie Perk — Headhunter

Aurora – Epic Uniform
Volunteer – Epic Pistol
Slow Clap – Legendary Emote
Rate of Fire – Legendary Calling Card
Done For – Rare Emote
Fish Food – Rare Pistol
Invasion Force – Rare Calling Card

Epic PPSh-41 “Thrive”

Bonuses: Kills give a 10% Soldier XP Bonus; Zombie Perk – Precision

61st Battalion – Epic Uniform
Bullet Hose – Legendary Calling Card
Cheer – Rare Emote
Red Towers – Rare Pistol
All Quiet – Rare Calling Card
Ease Up – Common Emote
Cathedral – Common Pistol
Fire from the Hip – Common Calling Card

Epic M1903 “Ranger”

Bonuses: Kills give a 10% Soldier XP Bonus

Ruby Loftus – Epic Uniform
Bring it on! – Rare Emote
Belly Up – Rare Emote
Deep Breath – Rare Calling Card
Lady Luck – Common Pistol
Air and Sea – Common Pistol
Admit One – Common Calling Card
This is My Rifle – Common Calling Card

Epic Type 100 “Checked Out”

Bonuses: Kills give a 10% Soldier XP Bonus; Zombie Perk — Close Quarters

Dog Fighter – Epic Uniform
Surprise Attack – Legendary Pistol
Eye Contact – Rare Emote
Spraying Bullets – Rare Calling Card
GG – Common Emote
Battle Cry – Common Pistol
Answer the Call – Common Calling Card
Running and Gunning – Common Calling Card

Epic Machine Pistol “Heimat”

Bonuses: Kills give a 10% Soldier XP Bonus; Zombie Perk — Headhunter

25th Rifle – Epic Uniform
Comical – Epic Calling Card
Bombs Away – Legendary Pistol
Jaws of Death – Legendary Pistol
Gravy – Common Emote
Thanks – Common Emote
Fast Fire – Common Calling Card

Epic M1941 “Jawbreaker”

Bonuses:  Kills give a 10% Soldier XP Bonus; Zombie Perk — Headhunter

Netherlands Infantry – Legendary Uniform
War Toon – Rare Pistol
Pain Killer – Rare Pistol
Fire Fight – Rare Calling Card
Thumbs Up – Common Emote
Amazing – Common Emote
Bayonet Fixed – Common Calling Card

Epic MG 42 “Zipper” 

Bonuses: Kills give a 10% Solider XP Bonus

Soviet Infantry – Legendary Uniform
Thunderstruck – Legendary Pistol
Buzzsaw – Legendary Calling Card
Covering Fire – Rare Calling Card
Fantastic – Common Emote
Buy the Farm – Common Emote
Lighning War – Common Pistol

Epic M1 Garand “Rookie”

Bonuses: Kills give a 10% Soldier XP Bonus

The Bleeders – Epic Uniform
US Winter – Legendary Uniform
Heartland – Legendary Pistol
Battle Implement – Legendary Calling Card
Liberty and Justice – Rare Pistol
Storming the Beach – Rare Calling Card
Cat’s Meow – Common Emote

Epic M1 Bazooka “Eagle’s Nest”

Bonuses: Kills give a 10% Soldier XP Bonus

US Medic – Legendary Uniform
Gobbledygook – Rare Emote
All Aboard – Rare Calling Card
Stovepipe – Rare Calling Card
Feeding Frenzy – Common Pistol
Great White – Common Pistol
Paint it Green – Common Calling Card

Epic Karabin “Midnight”

Bonuses: Kills give a 10% Soldier XP Bonus; Zombie Perk — Precision

The Cherry Picker – Epic Uniform
Not Yet Lost – Legendary Pistol
Lens Glint –  Legendary Calling Card
Yes! – Rare Emote
Break the Silence – Rare Calling Card
No Way! – Common Emote
Emblem – Common Pistol

Epic 1911 “Jupiter”

Bonuses: Kills give a 10% Soldier Bonus; Zombie Perk — Center Mass

Mechanized Infantry – Epic Uniform
Wings of Freedom – Epic Pistol
Eagle Eyed – Rare Pistol
Sidearm – Rare Calling Card
Hot Dog! – Common Emote
Always Watching – Common Calling Card
Single Action – Common Calling Card

Epic M1A1 Carbine “Bite the Dust”

Bonuses: Kills give a 10% Soldier XP Bonus; Zombie Perk — Center Mass

Golden Sun – Epic Uniform
Steady Shot – Legendary Calling Card
What’s Buzzin – Rare Emote
Paygrade – Common Emote
War on all Fronts – Common Pistol
United We Stand – Common Pistol
Sharpshooter – Common Calling Card

Epic MP-40 “Wunderwaffe”

Bonuses Kills give a 10% Soldier XP Bonus

Spearhead – Epic Uniform
Forest Sapper – Epic Uniform
Caution – Epic Pistol
Heavy Recoil – Rare Calling Card
Over Here – Common Emote
War Machine – Common Pistol
Close Quarters Battle – Common Calling Card

Epic Panzerschreck “Thunderclap” 

Bonuses: Kills give a 10% Soldier XP Bonus

Sovier Sapper – Legendary Uniform
Up in Flames – Legendary Pistol
Short Fuse – Rare Pistol
Tank Buster – Rare Calling Card
Hot Damn – Common Emote
Launch Time – Common Calling Card

Epic US Shovel “Fortitude”

Bonuses: Kills give a 10% Soldier XP Bonus

Soviet Winter Infantry – Legendary Uniform
Desert Heat – Legendary Calling Card
Bust Your Chops – Common Emote
Bloody Mess – Common Pistol
Diggers – Common Pistol
Improvised Weapon – Common Calling Card
Multi-Purpose – Common Calling Card

Epic Toggle Action “Enigma” 

Bonuses: Kills give a 10% Soldier XP Bonus; Zombie Perk — Body Count

US Pilot – Legendary Uniform
Ruffled Feathers – Rare Pistol
Take a Gander – Common Emote
Night Owl – Common Pistol
Munitions – Common Calling Card
Down the Hatch – Common Calling Card
Black and White – Common Calling Card

Epic Sawed-off Shotgun “Crusader”

Bonuses: Kills give a 10% Soldier XP Bonus

US Talker – Legendary Uniform
Spent Brass – Legendary Calling Card
Ship’s Wheel – Rare Pistol
Steady as she goes – Rare Pistol
War Torn – Rare Calling Card
Hang it Up – Common Emote

Epic STG44 “Serum”

Bonuses: Kills give a 10% Soldier XP Bonus; Zombie Perk — Body Count

Ace of Aces – Epic Pistol
US Riveter – Legendary Uniform
US Tanker – Legendary Uniform
Flying Circus – Legendary Pistol
What’s Cooking – Common Emote
Assault Rifle 44 – Common Calling Card
At the Ready – Common Calling Card

Epic Uniforms


There are far less Epic Uniforms to unlock in Call of Duty WW2 than there are weapons, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t some cool stuff here as well.  While Uniforms don’t offer bonuses for kills like weapons do, there’s a number of pricey uniforms that you can either pay for with Armory Credits or try to piece together by getting items in Supply Drops.  Below you’ll find the complete list of Epic Uniforms in Call of Duty WW2 and what you’ll need to do to unlock all of them.

“Hell on Wheels”: Epic Uniform  

British Air Force – Legendary Uniform
Viper – Legendary Calling Card
Splatter – Legendary Calling Card
Wohoo! – Rare Emote
What’s up Ace? – Common Emote
Raining Brass – Common Pistol
Shotgun Shells – Common Pistol

“Screamer”: Epic Uniform

Navy Code Talker – Epic Uniform
No…No, No, No – Rare Emote
12 Gauge – Rare Calling Card
Take a Powder – Common Emote
Little Red Wagon – Common Pistol
Clean Sweep – Common Pistol
Smoking Gun – Common Calling Card

“Mountaineer” Epic Uniform

The 83rd – Epic Uniform
Paper – Legendary Emote
Proud to Serve – Legendary Calling Card
Overkill – Legendary Calling Card
Hibiscus – Rare Pistol
Hi – Common Emote
Paradise – Common Pistol
Action Shot – Common Calling Card

“Tamansov” Epic Uniform

Task Force 9 – Epic Uniform
Hand Gun – Epic Calling Card
Scissors – Legendary Emote
Bullseye – Legendary Calling Card
No… – Common Emote
Iron Talons – Common Pistol
Mascot – Common Pistol

“Royal Highland Regiment” Epic Uniform

Clinical Nurse – Epic Uniform
Rock – Epic Emote
Candy Bar – Legendary Calling Card
Out to Sea – Rare Pistol
Homefront Hero – Rare Calling Card
Holy Mackerel – Common Emote
Battleship – Common Pistol
Ice Cream Bar – Common Calling Card

“Special Boat Service” Epic Uniform

Transport Service Officer – Epic Uniform
For Glory – Legendary Calling Card
Yawn – Rare Emote
King of the Castle – Rare Pistol
Rough Terrain – Rare Calling Card
Time to Grandstand – Common Emote
War Games – Common Pistol

“Armored Battalion” Epic Uniform

Indianhead – Epic Uniform
Kraken – Epic Calling Card
British Commando – Legendary Uniform
Here be Monsters – Legendary Pistol
Cheer and Clap – Common Emote
Terror of the Deep – Common Pistol
Beneath the Waves – Common Calling Card

 “Emergency Nurse” Epic Uniform

Canada Black Watch – Legendary Uniform
Gear Up – Legendary Calling Card
Defeat – Rare Emote
Checkmate – Rare Pistol
Land Ship – Rare Calling Card
Day at the Range – Rare Calling Card
Royal Armor – Common Pistol

Which Epic Weapons and Uniforms are hardest to get?

While you could always get lucky and find expensive epic, legendary, or rare pieces in Supply Drops the Quartermaster has a price for every piece for each Epic Weapon and Uniform.  The most expensive ones will likely be the most rare and sought after.

As for Epic Weapons:  The Epic MG 15 “Shorty” & the Epic MP-40 “Wunderwaffe” appear to be the most expensive with the MG 15 costing around 18.5K in armory credits, while the Epic MP-40 costs a whopping 25K in Armory Credits if you were to purchase each piece separately.

There are some cheaper Epic Weapons.  The FG42 only costs around 3800 Armory Credits to assemble, and so does the M1941 Jawbreaker.

Uniforms can also get a little on the pricey side as well.  The Royal Highland Regiment is the most expensive to assemble, costing over 13.5K in Armory Credits.  Though on the cheap side, “Hell on Wheels” can be had for a measly 5000.

- This article was updated on November 2nd, 2017