Final Fantasy XIV’s 7.0 Dye System Update is Huge for Glamour

Are you wondering what the new Dye System coming to 7.0 means for Final Fantasy XIV?

by Gordon Bicker
Image: Attack of the Fanboy

Final Fantasy XIV has continued to hold players firmly within Eorzea because of the community, the excellent content on offer over the years, and of course for fashion purposes. A majority of the player base is highly interested in making sure their characters are looking exquisite on every occasion and a new Dye System update coming in Patch 7.0 will ensure there are even more options for your Glamour.

During the Final Fantasy XIV Fan Festival, it was revealed that there would now be two dyes that can be applied per gear piece instead of just one. This will allow everyone to customize their fashion a lot more intricately on a color basis: a long-requested feature by many players. This announcement came with the caveat that not every gear piece will be applicable for two dyes but there will likely be a lot that are.

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Housing items also seem to be on the cards for extra dye pieces, with a statement during the showcase being as follows: “We might not be able to apply it to certain housing items but we will try to apply it to as much gear as we possibly can.” This dye system update is a very promising announcement by the team and it is something that will have a lot of longevity for usage in the community.

Even as far back as 2017, people were already starting to ask a lot more about having two dyes on gear pieces, as indicated by this Final Fantasy XIV forum post. The demand has certainly been there and players have already expressed their excitement immensely for the new feature — even by way of one of the loudest cheers of the day for the fan festival.

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When the dye system update for 7.0 was revealed, posts were quickly made on Reddit where people flocked to the comments to share in the joy. It was clear that most were extremely pleased with being able to continue their fashion pursuits in yet more ways with multiple colors, imagine that!

If you haven’t delved into the Glamour system too thoroughly yet within Final Fantasy XIV, now would be the perfect time to do so. This incoming change in the Dye System will make player fashion style even more apparent. If you want to stand out from the crowd, there is always a benefit in having some stellar Glamour. The dye update will arrive during the Summer of 2024 when the Dawntrail expansion releases.

- This article was updated on July 31st, 2023

About The Author

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Gordon is a contributing writer for Attack of the Fanboy, a Games Design (BA) Honours student, and a Video Game Ambassador. He has been writing at AOTF for over a year and a half, with four years of games writing experience for outlets like Green Man Gaming. When he's not busy, he'll no doubt be experiencing games, writing poetry, playing guitar, adventuring, or happily starting a new Skyrim playthrough! As an avid Final Fantasy XIV player, he also hopes that you'll gain a warm feeling from his community stories. Gordon has reported on Fallout 4 and Destiny 2, whose favorite genres include action RPGs, MMORPG's and First Person Shooters but is always experimenting with many other types of games.